Welcome to the Beloved Disciple Seminary


“You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit”

--John 15:16

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The Beloved Disciple Seminary is a chartered ministry of the Contemporary Catholic Church.

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ill titleOur Vision of Theological Education

Theology and education for ministry are not simply academic pursuits. They involve the entire person, not just the intellect. At Beloved Disciple Seminary, academic study is important, just as it is at any institution of higher learning. But our theological education is more than that. Indeed, there are several interrelated components to a theological education that are necessary to train future leaders and servants of the Church. Yet before these can even be identified, we must acknowledge a fundamental reality: there is no formula for what it takes to train a successful and faithful minister of the Church. Not all good pastors are brilliant academicians. Not all church leaders are great orators. Not all ministers are superb liturgical celebrants. Still, this does not mean that any of these skills can be dispensed with. Rather, they all play a complementary role in the cultivation of pastors, educators, and leaders in the Church, even if the degree to which these skills take root will vary considerably depending on the student.

What are the components of our theological education for the formation of ministers of the Church?

• Theological education includes serious academic study. A high standard of academic learning, which includes skills in reading, analysis, writing, and speaking, is a vital component in the formation of effective ministers for the Church. To preach, to teach, effectively communicating the gospel, requires substantial knowledge of content as well as analytical skills to understand and convey that content to others.

• Theological education includes training in service and ministry to others. At BDS this training takes many forms, including the form of community service assignments. It is easy to talk about the virtues of humility, patience, kindness, and self-control. Community service assignments give an opportunity to put these virtues—and many others—into practice.

• Theological education also includes prayer, and in fact it must be grounded in prayer. We are all familiar with the maxim of the Desert Fathers: “The theologian is one who prays, and the one who prays is theologian.” A personal rule of prayer is vitally important, but prayer is not meant to be a solitary spiritual “trip” pursued in isolation. Whether personal or corporate, prayer means joining ourselves to Christ’s prayer, to the Church’s prayer.

Our theological education, in summary, is far more encompassing and far more demanding than that offered in a typical institution of higher learning. Members of the seminary community—faculty, staff, and students alike—are challenged to respect and value each member of our richly diverse community as a unique human person, created in the image and likeness of God. They are challenged to love not just humanity in general but all those flesh-and-blood sisters and brothers whom they meet in daily life, with all their strengths and weaknesses, with all their idiosyncrasies, with all their sometimes hidden charm. At Beloved Disciple Seminary, the rich diversity of our community, with a wide range of experiences and interests, talents and goals—offers us unique opportunities for spiritual growth.

In every aspect of our life together, we try to show love in action. This understanding of theological education informs all the work of the Beloved Disciple Seminary.

ill titleAcademic Catalog 2011-2012

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